
Sector Importance for Sustainable Finance:

Shipping generates approximately 2 -3% have global GHG emissions. However, shipping is extremely important for the functioning of the global economy approximately 90% plus of all goods and services are moved between countries via shipping. 

Shipping is a very global industry with the great diversity within fleets and geographies. We need shipping however there are many challenges especially for the long- haul shipping.

Talking Points:


  • What are the best solutions to decarbonize shipping?
  • Are there really any alternative fuels such as hydrogen or ammonia that will work for long distance shipping at scale
  • Approximately USD2 trillion is required to decarbonize shipping with 80% plus of that needed in land based fuel infrastructure, how will this be financed and by who?
  • For short trip shipping batteries and electric may be feasible but his only represents a very small part of the shipping market.
  • Energy efficiency and general decarbonization measures only go so far is the real action is in fuels and design plus other more fundamental aspects of shipping?

Useful Links:

Previous Transactions:

  • Dorian/International Seaways: Sustainability Linked Loan
  • Seaspan: Green Bond and Transition
  • Objell: Sustainability Linked Bond
  • Kiwi Rail: Climate Bond Certification (Green Bond)
  • Maersk: Green Bond

Last modified: December 6, 2021

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