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What are our secret weapon resources?

A short and sharp post for our latest offering. Let’s not drone on any longer, please take a look at what you need to stay ahead of the game…

Sustainable finance is an ever-evolving concept with many market practices developing fast.

Apart from our curated resources and blogs we wanted to share our secret weapon resources that will help you keep up with Sustainable Finance and relevant trends.

The following half a dozen will give you everything you need to ensure you’re always firing:

1.  SEB: The Green Bond Report



2.  Natixis: Green & Sustainable HUB (Article, Papers, Reports)



3.  IEA: Research and Flagship (Reports) 



4.  Climate bond Initiative (Reports) 



5.  Environmental Finance (News and Articles)


(Note, environmental-finance.com is paid site so you can take the option of a free 30 day trial, but even just viewing the available content on their homepage is worthwhile)

6.  Energy Transition Commission


Tags: Last modified: July 30, 2023