Key Developments for Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds & Loans:

09 – Use of Proceeds

What the Duck? Refinancing, LookBack, Allocated & Unallocated UoP

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Some of the most misunderstood concepts in the Sustainable Finance market are the differences between Refinancing, Look Back Periods,...

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Post Issuance Reporting: How not to get caught with your pants down

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Post Issuance Reporting (for Use of Proceeds Instruments) is a crucial part of Sustainable Finance, however it is often overlooked or...

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Is that a Zero, a Donut or Rounding up? Valuations for Use of Proceeds

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Valuation of Assets & Expenditures for Use of Proceeds Instruments is what we'll cover here....

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Fossil Fooled? – Oil & Gas in Sustainable Finance

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Traditional O+G companies have been evolving and diversifying into new ways of doing business as the pressure for sustainability drives...

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How to use Sustainable Finance to drive Gender Equality

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Wondering how to integrate Gender Equality into Sustainable Finance? Checkout these tips, references and best practices....

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Green Equity: The Next Frontier of Sustainable Finance

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We have recently noticed the trend in the market for some equity related transactions to be labeled green. This is an interesting...

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