Crucial developments for Sustainable Finance – Listed as Featured articles here:

01 – Featured

Transition Ambition – Don’t pull the wool over your eyes

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Is the Transition Plan pulling the wool over your eyes?...

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Is that Robot going to cut my plant-based protein lunch?

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One of the largest mega-forces we are seeing is the ongoing integration of AI (Artificial intelligence) into our lives and around us. ...

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What are our secret weapon resources?

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A short and sharp post for our latest offering. Let's not drone on any longer, please take a look at what you need to stay ahead of the...

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ICMA Annual Sustainable Bonds Conference ’23

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"Not Just, Just Transition" What are the Key Take Aways from the recent Sustainable Bonds Conference? Well let's cover it here......

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Enter Sandman: Topics to Watch in 2023

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In the words of Metallica, 2023 will be about “Enter Sandman” and sleeping with one eye open (gripping our sustainable finance pillows...

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Biodiversity: Use the Force (or at least whispers from Yoda)

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Biodiversity is the other major sustainability issue of our time - even though we may not know it!...

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Structuring Linked Instruments – More Holes Than a Pair of Pink Crocs

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Introduction We continue to see many transitions in both the loan and bond space. Some of these deals have more holes than a pair of pink...

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Is your SLL Deep Sleeping, Taking a Cat Nap or Comatose?

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The concept of Sleeping SLLs is becoming more prevalent, and we seek to explore this in more detail rather than just the headline...

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More Meta & Less Verse – How can the Metaverse Improve Sustainability

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The era of digital change is here...strap that thing to your face and lets see what the future looks like....

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COP 27: Implications for Sustainable Finance

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Have we been Tutankhamen-ed or Nefertiti-ed?...

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